Legends has it that a young apprentice cook called Franz-Xaver Loibner created the recipe of the Imperial cake. It was the year of the opening of the Hotel Imperial, 1873 in Vienna. And it was in honour of His Imperial Highness, Emperor Franz Josef I. That is much about the myth. A matter of fact is its distinguished taste. The first thing you literally come across is its delicious milk chocolate glaze. The trip down to the heart of the cake goes through almond flavour, marzipan and a slight hint of cocoa cream. All this together leads to a delightful crescendo of taste.
Natural ingredients make this handmade cake a heavenly experience. It can be stored for weeks and it is a favourite present, shipped in its wooden box all over the World.
The dark side of Imperial Torte: SCHWARZE ORANGE
Marzipan-Orange-Almond Cake with dark chocolate coating (Vienna, March 2009).
From March 2009 The Original Imperial Torte will reveal its dark side by the name of ‘Schwarze Orange’. Sliced almonds in six crispy layers filled with chocolate/coffee cream are encased in dark chocolate. Dried peel of exquisite citrus fruits is the basis for the delicious orange marzipan.
The Imperial Torte ‘Schwarze Orange’ is hand-made at the Hotel Imperial. Just like the original Imperial Torte, it is composed of exclusively natural ingredients. Cooled, the square piece of Viennese confectionary has a shelf life of eight weeks.
From March 2009 on the Imperial Torte Schwarze Orange will be available at the Imperial Torte Boutique, directly at Hotel Imperial or at www.imperial-torte.at. Hand-sealed and ornamented with orange cords, the dark sister of the original Imperial Torte travels the world in an elegant wooden box.
The Imperial Torte has been hand-made at the Hotel Imperial for decades. Sliced almonds, cocoa cream and marzipan are the basis for the square original in various sizes as well as for petit fours. “Imperial Selection”, a luxurious hand-made chocolate by the Austrian ‘Chocolatier Zotter’ is a sweet treat for the taste buds just as Imperial Torte itself.
Die Legende besagt, ein Küchenjunge habe die Imperial Torte anlässlich der Eröffnung des Hotel Imperial zu Ehren von Kaiser Franz Joseph I erfunden. Das Rezept ist geheim, doch dies sei verraten: Zunächst zergeht die feine Milchschokolade der Glasur auf der Zunge, später gesellt sich das zart-herbe Aroma von Mandeln hinzu, bevor Marzipan und Kakaocreme zur perfekten Einheit verschmelzen.
Im Hause Imperial wird seit Jahrzehnten eine betörende Verführung gefertigt. Ausschließlich natürliche Zutaten geben der Imperial Torte ihr besonderes Aroma und garantieren gekühlt eine Haltbarkeit von acht Wochen.
Gekonnt wird luftig geschlagene Kakaocreme schichtenweise in hauchzarte Mandelblätter gefüllt, bevor sich edle Schokoladenglasur über feinstes Marzipan breitet.
Auf Reisen hüllt sich die Imperial Torte - handverpackt und versiegelt - in schmucke Holzkistchen und nimmt so manchen Gruß mit in alle Welt.